Monday, October 27, 2008

Birthday Fun

So yesterday was my birthday, and I wanted to do something fun that I don't normally get to do. I was debating on taking a nice drive in the mountains, but I ended up deciding that it would be fun to go to the zoo! Kevin took me to breakfast at Village Inn and then we drove down to the zoo. We thought it would just be a leisurely afternoon at the zoo, but then when we got there, we discovered it was "Boo at the Zoo" day. Basically, all the little kids dress up in Halloween costumes and go trick-or-treat around the zoo. The zoo was PACKED! There were so many people there, but seeing all the little kids in costumes was almost as entertaining as seeing the animals (almost but not quite!). They were so cute. Here are some pictures from the day, including some black bears sunning themselves and some snow leopard cubs.We saw this ENORMOUS bison and couldn't resist taking this picture:)